Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
First, let’s give thanks to our God Allah SWT who has given us more mercies and blessing so we can attend in this place without any obstacles. Sholawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who guided us from the darkness to the brightness.
Second, I want to say thank you to Master/Miss of Ceremony who has given me the chance to stand up and speak over here. Before I start, I want to introduce my self my name is M. Lintang Azaikevin, I’m representative of antartika Senior High School, in Sidoarjo.
Alright, in this great opportunity. I want to deliver my speech under the title “The Teenager Should Get Sex Education Early”
Fellow students.
Teenagers are curious for to the new information especially sex education, which is very worrying if they were to get it late. Through the BKKBN survey said that more than 60% of Indonesia teens have had sex outside marriage. From my side, in order to prevent abuse of reproduction organ. Teenagers should have knowledge about reproduction system by encouraging moral, ethical, and religious commitment.
Sex is a thing that is common among teens and isn’t a problem that needs to be feared, because it’s one of moral education. That’s why the role of parents is needed.
Fellow students.
So, when can sex education be started ??
In order to further explain the question above, I have created 3 levels for providing sex education. It’s SMT ( Small, Medium, Teenager)
Firstly, Small age between 3 to 10 years old
At this periode the parents only need to introduce the kid’s own sexual body parts. Such as legs, arms, their internal organs, and others. And I belive It’s important for them to know, if there are stranger who wants to touch or bully them.
Secondly, Medium Age between 10 to 13 years old.
This age is a golden age, the kids start puberty where the girls get menstruation and wet dreams for the boy, in which curiosity is very large. It’s very dangerous if they get the wrong knowledge about sex. Parents should explain that the change is a natural occurrence, which the hormones emerge and the children begin to mature.
Thirdly, Teenager Age more than 13 years old.
In this age sexual changes will be very visible. Where the teens will start to be interested in to the opposite gender. However, the parents will be assisted by the school to explained sex education. It’s important for the parents to be apart of the education process for their children. For example, I’m studying in grade 11 on Biology lesson about reproduction system like fertilization, pregnancy, childbirth, and disorders of the reproduction system.
Fellow Students.
Free sex will separate us from each other, damaging our future, and losing our confidence. We need to decide now, to increase learning, do something positive, closer to Allah SWT, and make our dream come true. Now we as Indonesian Teenager dare to say “NO” to sex outside marriage.
Fellow Student.
Lastly, from the fact I explained just now, it’s obvious that sex education is very important to be given to teenagers, in order to make them filter which is good or bad to do for them. Thus, the won’t have any misunderstandings about the application of sex.
That is the end of my speech, hightly appreciate for your attention. And I hope that with the information I have given you today, we can make a better future for Indonesia.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
haris ikhsanul jahri
smp kartika 2 bandar lampung
ujianpraktek kompter
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